Metajob- Job Board App with Nextjs & Strapi

Metajob- Job Board App with Nextjs & Strapi

Frontend- Nextjs. MUI & Backend Headless CMS Strapi



$36$89 yearly


$107$267 lifetime


Oct 18, 2024


Oct 18, 2024


MERN Stack

0.00(0 Review)



Metajob - Job Board App with Next.js & Strapi

MetaJobs is a Full Stack Job Board Solution using Next.js, TypeScript, MUI, and the Headless CMS Strapi. You can easily set up and quickly start your Job Portal website.

➤ Candidate Roles:

  • MetaJobs provides candidates with an admin control panel to manage their profiles, apply for jobs, receive job alerts, and more.

➤ Employers' Roles:

  • Employers can manage their profiles, post jobs, and update or delete listings from their admin panel.

  • Candidates can easily apply for jobs by submitting their CVs, streamlining the application process for both employers and job seekers.

➤ Search and Filter:

  • Comprehensive search and filter functionality enables users to find desired jobs, resumes, and company profiles based on specific criteria, streamlining the search process.

➤ Bookmark:

  • Users can bookmark jobs, resumes, and companies, making it convenient to save and revisit their preferred listings.

➤ User Profile:

  • Employers, candidates, and admins can easily update their profiles and change passwords, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information.

➤ And Much More...:

  • The MetaJobs theme offers a wide range of additional features and customization options to meet your specific requirements and create a unique job board platform.

If you have a specific request or need to add a custom feature, simply create a ticket, and our team will provide custom development support.

How to Download and Get Started

To install MetaJob, a required license token is needed. When you purchase it, you will receive a license token in your confirmation email. Now you have the token.

  1. Fork the repository -
  2. Put the license token in the .env file.
  3. Install `@padma/metajob-backend strapi plugin
  4. Install @padma/metajob-ui Theme on forntend


Please ensure that you have the latest version of pnpm installed on your system. You can install the latest version of pnpm by running the following command in your terminal:

  • pnpm Installation
1npm install pnpm@latest -g


Fork the repo from GitHub. [Repo link](insert your repo link here).

Installing the project is easy and straightforward. If you're using pnpm, run the following command in your terminal from the project root:

1pnpm install

That's it! The package will now be installed and ready for use in your project. You can then import the package and use its components in your code. Please ensure that you have the latest version of pnpm, npm, or yarn installed on your system.


Please add all the environment variables from the example env file at apps/site.

To build all apps and packages, run the following command:

1cd my-project 2pnpm run build


To develop all apps and packages, run the following command:

1pnpm dev